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The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre (NFCHC) strives to provide the highest quality of healthcare. In order to do this, we appreciate receiving your feedback in a timely manner. We treat client concerns seriously and learn from concerns and compliments so we can make changes or improvements in the way we provide services.
I am submitting a:

What is a compliment?

A compliment is saying something nice about someone or something.


What do we do with your compliment?

  • If you mention a staff member, we might tell them about your compliment.

  • We might use your compliment to improve our services.

  • We might share your compliment without using your name to promote our services.

What is a client concern?
A concern is an expression of dissatisfaction.

Our process addresses written concerns about:

  • the standard of service we provide

  • the behaviour of our staff that does not align with our organization's values

  • any action or lack of action by staff affecting an individual or group

Our process does not address:

  • comments about our policies or policy decisions;

  • matters that have already been fully investigated through this client concern procedure; or

  • anonymous concerns


How to file a concern:


  1. First, discuss your concern with the appropriate member(s) of your health care team. These professionals involved in your care may be able to resolve the issue or they may refer you to another more appropriate member of the team.

  2. If talking to the appropriate team member does not satisfy your concerns, put your concern in writing by completing our Client Concern Form which is located above. Please note, anonymous concerns will be disregarded.

  3. All medical information is confidential. If the concern investigation requires a review of your medical information, then written consent from you will be required.

Patient concerns and concern responses are not part of your medical record nor will any feedback impact your future care. Your privacy will be respected. If required, we will address your concerns in a minimum of 30 days upon receipt following our internal process.


What are the possible outcomes of a concern?
When all information is reviewed, the NFCHC may decide to do one of the following:

  • Take no further action if the concern does not warrant it.

  • Take further action internally, i.e. revising policies and procedures or providing additional training or education.

  • Refer the concern to an outside agency.

  • Decide not to investigate because the concern is made in bad faith or is an abuse of process.

  • All concerns that warrant a follow-up will receive an update via telephone call.

Niagara Ontario Health Team
Alliance for Healthier Communities
Pride Triangle
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Health
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