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Team-Based Care

The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre (NFCHC) responds to the health needs of our patients, their families and the broader community, and are committed to providing quality, accessible care. As a patient of NFCHC, you will have a team of health professionals, known as your Care Team, who will work together to provide you care. 
*Please note, we are not a walk-in clinic
As a patient of NFCHC, you are assigned to a health care provider, who will work together with your Care Team to provide you care. Your Care Team will work with you to create a treatment plan and help you achieve your health care goals. They will communicate with each other, and you, to provide the most appropriate care.
The benefits to this model of care include:
  • more accessible appointments
  • not having to retell your story
  • connect you with resources, services and supports within the organization

What is a care team?

As a patient of NFCHC, you will have a team of health professionals, known as your Care Team, working to provide you with the appropriate care to help you achieve your health care goals.

What does it mean to have a care team?
You are assigned to a health care provider, who will work together with a team of health professionals (your Care Team), to provide your care.

How we work together:
Your Care Team will work with you to create a treatment plan and help you achieve your health care goals. They will communicate with each other, and you, to provide the most appropriate care and connect you with resources, services and supports within the organization.
Professionals on your care team:
Niagara Ontario Health Team
Alliance for Healthier Communities
Pride Triangle
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Health
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