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Note to Clients: This statement explains your privacy rights and the steps our centre takes to protect your Personal Health Information according to the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA).


Collection of Personal Health Information


The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre is a “Health Information Custodian” (as per PHIPA) which means that we store your PHI in our systems. In accordance with the Act, we collect PHI directly from you or from the person acting officially on your behalf (e.g. your Substitute Decision Maker). The PHI that we collect may include your name, date of birth, Health Card Number, address, health history, records of your visits to Niagara Falls Community Health Centre and the care that you received during those visits. Occasionally, we collect PHI about you from other sources only if we have obtained your consent or if permitted by law. Such other sources could include other health service providers working with us to provide care to you (e.g. hospitals, specialists, etc.).

Uses and Disclosures of Personal Health Information

The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre (NFCHC) is responsible for the confidentiality and security of your personal health information (PHI). Your PHI will only be used and/or disclosed to

  • To treat and provide care for you by the health care providers involved in your circle of care, and may include physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, outreach workers, dietitians, counsellors, health promoters, learners/students, group facilitators, client coordinators and other specialists.

  • Enable you to participate in NFCHC’S various programs and services.

  • Inform funding agencies such as the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and Ontario Health for health system management purposes.

  • Guide the planning and administration of our services and operations.

  • Conduct quality improvement activities (e.g. surveys).

  • Ensure NFCHC complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

  • Conduct research as approved by a Research Ethic Board.

  • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law (e.g. infectious disease reporting to Public Health).

As Health Information Custodian, NFCHC providers are required by law to release information and/or records under the following conditions:

  • If your record is subpoenaed for legal purposes

  • If you pose a risk of serious bodily harm to yourself or others

  • If you or anyone under the age of 16, or over the age of 16 and considered to be vulnerable, might be in need of protection from physical, sexual, emotional abuse and/or neglect or risk of harm

  • If you report sexual abuse by a regulated health care provider

  • If certain communicable diseases are determined and reportable

  • If a provider's professional college authorizes a review of professional standards


Your Choices


You may access and correct your personal health records, or withdraw your consent for the above uses and disclosures by contacting us. If you choose to withdraw your consent, this does not operate retroactively and your withdrawal of consent may be subject to legal exceptions.


For more information about our privacy protection practices, or to raise a concern you have with our practices, contact us:

Niagara Falls Community Health Centre

Privacy Officer: Hemanth Namburi

4790 Victoria Avenue

Niagara Falls, ON L2E 4C2

Telephone: 905-356-4222 Ext. 240

Fax: 905-356-5676


You have the right to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario if you think we have violated your rights. The Commissioner’s office can be reached as follows:

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario

2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400

Toronto, ON M4W 1A8

Telephone: 1-800-387-0073 or 416-326-3333

TDD/TTY: 416-325-7539

Fax: 416-325-9195



How to Contact eHealth Ontario Privacy Office:

P.O. Box 148, Toronto,

Ontario M5G 2C8

Telephone: 1-866-250-1554




The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre is working with ConnectingOntario to provide our clients with better healthcare.


What is ConnectingOntario:

  • It is a province wide information sharing system for clinicians to access personal health information on demand to ensure you may receive more accurate and effective treatments and care.

Privacy Protection:

  • Client’s privacy is a priority of the VCHC and ConnectingOntario.

  • ConnectingOntario ensures that access to your medical records is limited to only the clinicians that will be providing you care.

To learn more information visit:



  • We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal. 

  • We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. 

  • We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us protect your privacy and only use your personal health information for the purposes you have consented to. 

  • The Niagara Falls Community Health Centre is responsible for protecting the privacy of all patients, visitors, staff, physicians and volunteers. The use of audio or video recording devices and the taking of photographs are not permitted on CHC premises without the advance consent of management. Family and friends often bring mobile devices containing built-in cameras with them into the CHC. It is not practical to forbid the carrying of such devices, or, in patient treatment areas, to remove them for safekeeping. However, our staff, physicians and volunteers are obliged to remind patients and visitors that taking photographs, videotaping, etc., without the advance consent of management is not permitted. Please talk to a member of our care team or call our Privacy Officer at 905-356-4222, if you have questions.


To view the entire policy, or if you would like a copy of our Privacy Board Statement please click the following links:

Niagara Ontario Health Team
Alliance for Healthier Communities
Pride Triangle
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Health
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